6 Elements of a IT Security Plan

Protect your computer, mobile devices, and business network with a multi-layered approach to security. Consider these 6 elements when evaluating your IT Security plan.

6 Elements of  IT Security

  1. Hardware – Prevent unauthorized access to your computer infrastructure with a device such as a Firewall. These devices monitor digital traffic between your network and the Internet and prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Software – Install anti-virus/anti-malware protection to prevent, detect, and remove malicious code from your computer or network..
  3. Monitoring – Deploy specialized tools to alert you if an intrusion is detected, your systems are not running optimally, or a backup fails.
  4. Training –Improve the ability of your employees to avoid disaster with Security Awareness Training (SAT). 95% of all breaches occur because of human error. SAT reduces the risk that your staff will fall victim to hackers.
  5. Physical Security – Safeguard your computers, servers and other devices with physical security equipment such as cameras and key fob entry controls.
  6. e Waste – Securely destroy digital devices such as hard drives, solid state drives, thumb drives, circuit boards, and memory cards to guarantee your confidential data does not fall into the wrong hands even after a device reaches its end of life.
Q, the black squirrel, IT Security

As part of your managed services package, many IT providers include some of these services. It’s vital that you confirm your plan covers each IT Security element because 60% of smaller businesses do not recover from a significant data breach.

Call us to find out which of these elements you have in place. You deserve the peace of mind that comes with a complete IT Security Plan.