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What Does FireFox Have in Store for Apple Device Users?

Until late last year, Mozilla believed that Apple’s mobile OS was too closed off for a third party browser. But that’s over and done – and its time for the first public preview of FireFox for iPhone and iPad. This move will undoubtedly tap Mozilla into a far larger iOS market. That is if they aren’t too late to the party…

Users in New Zealand Get First Crack at Public Preview

Mozilla has begun reaching out to users in New Zealand by offering them the first public preview of their browser for iPhones and iPads in the hopes of receiving valuable feedback, before they expand to a full global preview due for later this year. This public preview contains an option in the settings screen that allows the trial users to send their feedback directly to the company.

tablet browsing

A Sneak Peek of What to Expect

Although adding their browser to iPhone/iPad is a smart and necessary move for Mozilla, they may find themselves in somewhat of an uphill battle in terms of catching up to their competitors, Apple’s Safari and Google Chrome in particular, whom already have a large and seemingly loyal mobile user audience.

So what can we expect from from this iOS version of FireFox? Mozilla’s recent blog mentions a few of its key features so far:

  • Intelligent search that allows users to choose a default search provider
  • An account feature that allows users to sync FireFox passwords, tabs, and browser history from desktop to iPhone/iPad
  • Suggested search results
  • Visual tabs with thumbnails of your open tabs

Additional features will surface over time based on user feedback while Mozilla readies itself for FireFox’s world wide release. Will you be using FireFox on your mobile device when it becomes available?

Want to learn even more about this exciting move for iPhones and iPads? Contact QualityIP at (330) 931-4141 or email us at for more information.