Does Investing in Meraki Wireless Make Sense for Akron Businesses?

As cybercrime evolves, so should your business’ technology. QualityIP uses Cisco Meraki Wireless to protect your company from data breaches that could ultimately lead to your clients’ data being exposed, and your business in some serious financial trouble.

QualityIP uses the best contenders in technology to ensure all of your access points are protected. That’s why we choose Cisco Meraki, the leading Wi-Fi, routing and security products provider to protect your wireless network against external and internal threats.

With Cisco Meraki, you get the most out of your technology investments and the capacity for:

  • Faster connections,
  • Greater user capacity with more coverage,
  • Comprehensive security measures to secure your wireless network completely against threats,
  • Dedicated Security Radio that continuously scans and protects your wireless networks,
  • Abundance of visibility and control over user access with policies for application usage, end-user experience and network security,
  • Continuous upgrades and delivery of new features,
  • Reliable levels of disaster recovery with high availability and failover for protection in the event of outages and disasters.

When you pair with QualityIP as your trusted IT partners, you’re opting for services and solutions that provide results. Call (330) 931-4141 or send an email: for more information.

Published April 7th, 2016