Find Out The Four Surefire Methods To Protect Your Business Against Disastrous Data Breaches!

Cybercrime is an ever-present threat to modern businesses. Without up-to-date and varied security measures, successful hacks can compromise your sensitive data and harm your systems, resulting in costly downtime. Small businesses in the Cleveland, Akron, Kent and throughout Ohio area should be especially wary of cybercriminals, as they often target smaller operations on the assumption that there will be less effective IT security measures in place.

Solution Security

QualityIP takes IT security seriously. We’ll analyze your network, implement the right safeguards, and teach your employees the best security practices to keep your business safe. To learn more, give us a call at (330) 931-4141 or send us an email at

Keep the following tips in mind to help minimize the risk of a data breach: 

  • Proactive Security: The key to effective IT security is in preventing data breaches instead of reacting to them. With the right security measures set up ahead of time, you can stop malicious parties from ever accessing your system. Industry-standard preventative measures include managed antivirus, antispam and malware solutions, as well as active monitoring that identifies and addresses incoming threats as they happen.
  • Employee Awareness: Even the most effective digital security measures can be negated by simple human error. All IT is dependent on the user, and as such it’s vital that you properly educate your employees in safe conduct. They should know how to identify suspicious emails and dangerous links before they can enter into and affect your IT system. The more your workforce knows about the security measures you have in place, the more confidently they can use the technology is a secure manner.
  • Processes and Procedures: This is where your trusted security measures and your properly trained employees come together to form an impenetrable wall of security against external threats. By implementing company-wide standards for use of IT equipment and data, and proper conduct in email and other areas of your business, you can ensure that your staff leverages technology for the best possible security.
  • Employee Protection: It’s also vital that you protect your employees and their information as well. While many businesses will assume that their clients’ information is the primary target for hackers, the reality is that employment records and other data pertaining to your staff is just as valuable. Lifelock recently reported that a majority of business-based fraud comes from stolen employee ID numbers that are used to file fraudulent W-2 forms. Ensure that your employees’ information isn’t at risk by implementing the methods mentioned above. Should their data fall into the wrong hands, be sure to reach out to the Federal Trade Commission and Internal Revenue Service.

Keep your business secure against cybercrime! To protect your network against any digital threats, contact QualityIP at (330) 931-4141 or today.