Getting Your Message Across on LinkedIn

There are many ways to get your message across. You can post to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogger, WordPress, etc. Another area where you can share your message is LinkedIn. They have a feature where you can publish a post. By doing this, you can share your message with a strategic audience. Most of your connections on LinkedIn are business related. For Twitter or Pinterest, the audience can vary to anyone who follows you. On LinkedIn, your audience is those you have personally connected with. How can you share information that packs a punch? Here are some tips:

  1. Remember your audience. Since this is LinkedIn and not Facebook, it is best to keep your posts professional. The people you have connected with are far more interested in your opinions on the latest business news over seeing a photo of your daughter eating her first plate of spaghetti.
  2. Pick a great title. Nobody wants to click on a title that puts them to sleep or just sounds boring. Pick a title that piques their interest or addresses a burning question they have.
  3. Reshare the good stuff. Do you have an article that you shared elsewhere that is still full of valuable information? Feel free to update it for LinkedIn. Most of your LinkedIn connections will not have seen the article before so sharing on the social network will refresh the ideas.
  4. Let go of the hard sell. One way to diminish the readers of your posts is to give them an article that screams “buy my product or service”. In this in your face world, subtle is better. You can casually mention what you do, but remain focused on providing valuable information to your audience.
  5. Stagger your posts. It’s always great when you have a lot of things to say. What’s not always great is saying them all at once. Do not inundate your audience with a deluge of posts. Set up a posting calendar or, at least, a limit your posting per day/per week. You not only want to get your message across, but you want to give them time to think about it before you present a new idea. This will give them time to understand what you wanted to say and respond if they choose to.

Posting to LinkedIn is a great way to share information with your professional contacts. By utilizing the tips above, you can ensure that great information will be shared, and positive interactions will result.


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Published March 2nd, 2016