Is Your IT Company Talking To You About The Importance of Disk Encryption?

Surely, your IT Company has mentioned disk encryption.

disk encryption

After all, your data is more valuable than ever before, especially if you’re storing confidential client data like credit card information or personal health information. That’s why Patrick Leahy, US Senator, has been looking to pass a federal data encryption law since 2005. So of course, your IT Company is doing right by you and talking about proper disk encryption, right?

Or maybe not.

Unfortunately, many {city} IT companies don’t offer a complete security solution, and when they do talk about security, they often don’t tell you the complete story. That is why you need an IT partner you can trust to work with you in providing the right technology that fits your business needs and goals – now and in the future. We give you the complete story leaving you to be worry-free and focus on what matters most to you: your business!

The team at QualityIP are the experts when it comes to data encryption, and we know want you know the facts:

When used properly, data encryption is proven to protect the assets stored on your hard drives, but it’s not 100% foolproof. Full Disk Encryption (FDE) only protects your data when the device is powered off. How often though do you turn off your devices? Maybe not as often as you think.

No problem: Just make sure your security policy has a Folder Encryption System (FES) which protects your files when your device is on.

QualityIP is experienced with FES/FDE encryption deployment plans and utilizes disk encryption as part of a complete IT security policy. After a consultation with you, we will craft a deployment road map that is tailored to your exact needs and goals.

Isn’t it about time you had an IT Company in {city} that talks to you? Our Disk Encryption services and solutions are tailored to work for your business needs! Contact us today by giving us a call (330) 931-4141 or send our team an email to

Published September 16th, 2015