Looking To Gain Market Share? 4 Mobile Strategies for Startups

Mobile business strategies are relatively new, but most business leaders agree that they’re a necessary and vital part of marketing. Customers and clients are increasingly relying on smartphones and other mobile devices for purchases.


So where does that leave you?

We know it can feel crowded when you’re a startup, but if you focus on developing a strong mobile strategy you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.

Mobile Stats

A recent analysis of consumer shopping trends found that the top quarter of American retailers generate nearly 40% of their ecommerce transitions from mobile sites. Focusing on mobile strategies to reach your audience is a wise choice and will help you gain market share. Here are four strategies that will ensure you’ve got a strong mobile stagey.

  • Make Sure Your Mobile Site is Updated

Obviously the space on a mobile phone is much smaller than a traditional desktop computer – website optimization doesn’t just include fonts and graphics’ you need to make sure that your mobile site can effectively process and complete transactions. What does that include?

  • Ensuring that billing processes are functioning correctly
  • Making sure that customers or clients can easily log into the site from any smartphone
  • Creating an equally effective experience as your standard website
  • Be Inclusive

iPhones aren’t the only phone on the market. Android is continuing to expand its market share. Right now, according to recent research, iOS is responsible for 8% of all mobile transactions, but Android is not far behind with more than 5%. Make sure you’re making your mobile sites and apps optimal for every smartphone.

  • Make The Most of Email Marketing

Keep in mind that most consumers interact with the same site on multiple devices. Because of that, email reminders are a great way to keep customers coming back and using any number of devices. Email is omnipresent; people read them on desktops, smartphones and tablets. Make the most of it.

  • Time Your Offers With the Type of Device Used

If you’re a startup now, consider yourself lucky. At your disposal there’s a huge amount of information on the shopping habits of digital consumers. All you need to do is pay attention to trends. According to research by Criteo, the most frequent time for tablet purchases is from 3pm to 5pm. People on smartphones, meanwhile, are more likely to buy between 8am and 10am. Desktops, unsurprisingly, are most likely to make purchases during work hours, from 9am to 5pm.

Some other related tips? Make email campaigns are short and to-the-point, especially if they’re sent out in the morning. If you’re targeting mobile devices, make sure your email links lead to easy-to-use mobile websites. Keeping your eye on the prize and utilizing mobile strategies will give your business the kick it needs.

For more helpful business IT tips and tricks, contact QualityIP at info@qualityip.com or by phone at (330) 931-4141.