Protecting your business today and always – A 10-Step Guide

Determining and implementing what kind of security measures are best suited to protect your business’ data isn’t always simple. Like with all aspects of your business, your security and protection policies should be carefully considered and precisely arranged.

Cyber Security

We’ve made protecting yourself from cyber-intrusion a little easier with these 10 protection steps:

  1. Get in a password-change routine. 

Everyone has a favourite go-to password – and it’s often the one that gets used for every login that they have. Don’t fall prey to reusing old passwords and try to come up with different ones for every login you use. Get in the habit of changing them regularly – set monthly reminders and don’t keep passwords stored on-file. If all else fails, check out the variety of password-management software that exists.

  1. Figure out the security tools you already have. 

Many applications, like Microsoft Office 365, give you the option to seal files and allow access only for designated users. Utilizing data like this is a no-brainer if you’re working with data that is sensitive or especially at risk of breach. Similarly, Office 365 allows you to wipe data from mobile devices remotely in the event of a lost or stolen device.

  1. Understand the ways your data is moving.

If you’re using cloud technology to store, access and share your data, file transfers are at higher risk of breach than if you were operating within a private network. Unless you’ve set up a personal & secure Wi-Fi hotspot through mobile tethering, you need to make considerations for protecting data on the move. Be sure to check out the document-by-document access designation features offered by Office 365. Using this feature, even if your file falls in the wrong hands, they won’t have access to it unless you’ve pre-emptively allowed it.

  1. Encryption is a must – on all devices.

Encryption might seem tedious but it’s a huge part of arming yourself against cyber-attack. Window’s devices have user-friendly programs preinstalled that make the encryption process quick and less daunting.

  1. The cloud is your database – get used to saving data there.

It’s easy to get in the habit of saving files, folders and emails directly to a hand-held or onsite device. Make sure your utilizing the ample security features on OneDrive – save your data there and avoid losing pertinent information when a device crashes or disappears.

  1. Use your administrator login for changes only.

Only under the administrator login can users make significant changes, deletions and installations on your devices. Reserve your administrator login for these special instances only and have day-to-day users work under a normal account to avoid malware invasion.

  1. If you don’t have anti-virus software, get it – and keep it on.

Every device that functions within your business network should be protected by anti-virus software. Install it, learn about how it works and make sure it’s switched on at all times.

  1. Don’t avoid updates.

It’s tempting to choose the ‘install later’ option when you’re busy, but keeping up to date on updates can make all the difference in sustaining a secure system. Updates are often purposefully released to secure potential system exposures, so when possible, complete them as they arrive.

  1. Have your own back – test your back-up and restore solutions.

Figure out when your back-up systems were lasted tested and make sure things are running as planned. Routine back-up checks help not only to ensure your data is safely reinforced but also help ensure that it can be restored easily if necessary.

  1. Keep access and security in mind when individuals part ways with the company. 

When employees depart take measures to revoke their access to your database. Even if the parting is cordial, revoking access in a uniform way upon departure covers your bases.

Though daunting, making data protection a priority is fundamental to sustaining your business as a whole. Keep these tips on hand to make arming yourself a little easier. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, we’ve got you covered – get in touch with QualityIP for additional support. You can speak to one of our IT experts by contacting (330) 931-4141 or

Published March 15th, 2016