Remote IT Monitoring and Automated Management Saves Time and Money

Switching to modern remote monitoring and automated management systems can reduce the time to troubleshoot a faulty network device by as much as 75% and reduce repair time by as much as 32 % which is a huge savings in both time and money.

IT Management

This statistical analysis was presented in a new publication produced from a survey conducted by Dimension Data in their 2015 annual Network Barometer Report. The research analyzed an extensive number of corporate networks in all sizes of organizations and from 28 different countries.

It was uncovered in this survey that there appears to be strong link between device failures relative to the stage of their lifecycle. The review of over 70,000 technology devices revealed that a staggering 53% of these devices were aging or outright obsolete which is an increase of over 2% from the previous year.

Remote IT Management Keeps Your {city} Business Operational.

It appears from the review that most organizations have a tolerance level of around 10% when it comes to aging devices, and that most organizations refresh devices when they become mostly obsolete. There was also a trend for many organizations to show tolerance for aging devices. Many of these organizations generally refresh their IT devices only when they have reached a near critical stage of obsolescence or when there is no further vendor support available.

The overall security status and overall vulnerability from threats did diminish from 74% down to 60% from the previous year largely because more organizations began refreshing devices which had become obsolete.

Although more and more organizations are changing to wireless capabilities, the survey also revealed that as many as 74% of organizations are doing so with older models that do not sustain a viable strategy for wireless mobility.

The bottom line on this survey suggests that more organizations really need to consider new IT mobility strategies. Organizations should consider a more aggressive upgrade of their current devices to operate more effectively and to reap the advantages of the time and savings that network mobility and newer network IT devices provide.

To learn more about the advantage of using network mobility and device upgrades QualityIP can help give your business the IT leap forward your business need. Call us at (330) 931-4141 or email us today at and let us help you increase your bottom line.

Published July 20th, 2015