
Put An End to Accidental Email Forwarding

HomeNew “Dmail” Chrome Extension Lets You Send Self-Destructing Emails! Have you ever worried about sending an email that includes sensitive information? Or maybe you’ve accidentally forwarded an email that the recipient shouldn’t have seen? Digital information can be easily stored,…

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Urgent Notice: Hackers Could Hijack Your Vehicle Right Off the Road!

HomeDriving a Chrysler Vehicle? Install This Patch Immediately! Chrysler is striving to turn the traditional automobile into a smart, connected device – and although it’s an innovative, exciting concept, there’s a significant downfall. Chrysler’s UConnect system, which has been installed…

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Keep Your Business Safe from Current Microsoft Windows Vulnerabilities

HomeOn July 20, Microsoft issued a sporadic emergency security update to secure a vulnerability affecting all of the current forms of Windows software. This update was released after the vulnerability was found in a massive cache of emails illegally seized…

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Famous Garage-Part Manufacturer Uses IT To Increase Their Productivity

HomeTorsion Source Inc. is a respected garage door-part manufacturer based in Peninsula, Ohio. They have only been in business for five years, but are already well known in the Ohio corporate world for their excellent product and customer service. Marc…

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Microsoft Releases Emergency Patch for a Dangerous Vulnerability in Windows

HomeSecurity researchers from Google’s Project Zero and FireEye have discovered a critical flaw in various versions of Windows, and Microsoft has released an emergency out-of-band patch to deal with the situation. In a statement of advisory on Monday (July 20),…

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Deleting Google Phones Won’t Stop Your Device from Uploading Pictures

HomeWith so much connectivity and evolving technology, it can feel almost impossible to maintain your privacy today. Take Google Photos, for example. It’s an innovative and quite amazing app – not only does it offer free, unlimited back-up space for…

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Remote IT Monitoring and Automated Management Saves Time and Money

HomeSwitching to modern remote monitoring and automated management systems can reduce the time to troubleshoot a faulty network device by as much as 75% and reduce repair time by as much as 32 % which is a huge savings in…

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More than Just Day-to-Day Support

HomeOur Strategic IT Consulting Helps You Plan for the Future We’ll take care of securing your network, repairing and optimizing your equipment, setting up a backup solution, migrating data to the cloud… everything you’d expect to get out of an…

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Ready to Watch Your Business Soar? Windows 10 is On Its Way

HomeWith the release of Windows 10 this month, Microsoft is once again giving businesses innovative, exciting software designed to help ensure you’re always thriving. Focusing on productivity, flexibility, and ease of use, Windows 10 offers users a host of features…

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Do You Show Patriotism to Your Business?

With the 4th of July having just passed, a lot of us are still have that rush of patriotism. At QualityIP we started thinking – are you patriotic to your business? It may seem like an odd question, but when…

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