
Facebook Scam Steals Your Credit Card Information

Facebook Scam Steals Your Credit Card Information

HomeSocial media continues to be a primary method of keeping in touch with friends and family — whether they live near or far. The average American does not just sit down on their couch after a long day at work…

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Protecting Your Business Against the Badlock Vulnerability

HomeDuring late March of 2016, a vulnerability now called Badlock was found in the popular business network application Samba. Samba enables different kinds of computers to connect to files and printers on Microsoft Windows servers, the central platform for many…

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Do you know the true power of LinkedIn?

HomeEveryone in the business world knows that LinkedIn is a powerful tool. However, many businesses have neglected to maximize its potential for marketing success. There is far more to LinkedIn than just connecting with some users and joining a few…

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The Potentially Dangerous Effects of Badlock

HomeAs the owner of an IT company, we take the risk of your cybersecurity threats very seriously. In April 2016, Samba and Windows users discovered the potential dangers of the Badlock bug. This bug is in its infancy but could…

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What You MUST Know About CTB-Locker Ransomware to Stay Protected

HomeIn the last few years, the concept of “ransomware” has evolved from a rare occurrence to one of the more dominant forms of cyber threats that both business and personal users face on a daily basis. Ransomware is a type…

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QualityIP Achieves Cisco’s Premier Certified Partner Status

QualityIP Achieves Cisco’s Premier Certified Partner Status

HomeIn our continued effort to bring the very best in services and expertise to our clients, members of the QualityIP team have been diligently working behind the scenes to secure Cisco’s Premier Certified Partner status. The certification process involved our…

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April Showers Bring April Power Outages

HomeMany people look forward to spring with its rush of warmer weather that signals the end of the winter bitterness and the doldrums it often brings. April showers are even welcome by many as a necessity so that nature can…

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Is Your HelpDesk More Desk and Less Help?

Is Your HelpDesk More Desk and Less Help?

HomeManaged HelpDesk Services In Cleveland, Akron & Throughout Ohio Discover a HelpDesk that delivers when you team up with QualityIP as your strategic IT partner. We understand the stress that daily business operations can put on oneself, and struggling to…

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CEO Fraud Means Increased Vigilance Is Necessary

HomeAccording to the FBI, CEO fraud is on the rise. These email scams — so named because the emails appear to originate from the boss of a company — involve convincing an employee to wire money to the scamsters. In…

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Top Ten Ways To Create A Strong Password

HomeCreating a password is not as easy as it has been in the past. People today are forced to make stronger passwords and keep track of several different ones. While this may seem complicated, it is important to create a…

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