
Are You Still Using Obsolete Land Lines To Make Important Business Calls?

IP Based Phone Systems Traditional phone systems are a thing of past. Landlines are expensive, rigid and inconvenient, so why not modernize your Cleveland, Akron, Kent and throughout Ohio business’ phone systems? IP Based systems use Cloud technology to make…

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Have You Planned for the Inevitable?

HomeDisasters – from cybercrime to human error to natural occurrences – are inevitable. Do you have a business continuity plan in place to keep your company going? Disasters are inevitable. Just take a look at history. In 2013, a fire…

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5 Great Gift Ideas for the Privacy Lover on Your List!

HomeHackers and cybercriminals make it clear that privacy and security are major concerns in modern day living. This holiday season, instead of worrying about security threats and what hackers are up to, think about how to protect your privacy and…

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What are Targeted Attacks?

HomeTargeted attacks are threats aimed directly as specific categories. These are called Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). These threats are created specifically to victimize a certain individual or organization. The experts at welivesecurity indicate that APTs have special objectives: APTs can…

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How a Strategic Move to The Cloud Will Benefit Your Small Business

The benefits of the cloud are wide ranging and unique depending on every circumstance – unfortunately, most small business owners don’t quite understand how or why the cloud will work for them. What’s important to recognize is that working with…

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URGENT: Strangers Collect Personal Information on Your Kids!

HomeA Massive Breach Leaves Personal Information Relating to Children in the Hands of Cybercriminals According to recent press releases, several states within the U.S. have opened investigations into a massive breach occurring at the educational toy company, VTech. VTech is…

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Stay Prepared for ANY Data Loss Scenario

HomeThere’s a multitude of ways data loss can occur, but we take all risks into consideration to make sure you’re prepared to recover from any data loss scenario. You depend on a series of interconnected systems that keep your company…

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Who Is The Biggest Grinch Of All?

HomeCybercrime: The Biggest Grinch of All You might take a break during the holidays, but unfortunately, cybercriminals don’t. This time of year brings more threats than most business owners are prepared to handle as cybercriminals are constantly on the lookout…

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How Much Downtime Can You Stand?

HomeDo you ever get scared thinking about how long it would take you to recover from disaster? We all know downtime is inevitable. It’s no secret: information technology isn’t perfect – hardware breaks, software doesn’t work properly, equipment becomes outdated,…

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With Year-End Quickly Approaching – Are You Maximizing Your Efforts?

HomeAs you already know, year-end is just around the corner for everyone. Moreover, with that in mind, are you doing what it takes to gain the most out of the tax deductions available from Section 179? Whether you are looking…

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