
Cisco Meraki

May 11, 2015 | Video Library

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Keep your technology working to support your business goalswithout breaking the bank!

HomeWhen you choose to bundle your IT services, you not only save money but the quality of your output improves; you finally get the best return on your IT investment. Our goal is to ensure your business is functioning at…

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Protect Your Business from Cybercrime With These 5 Simple Tips!

HomeThe U.S. Intelligence Service has declared cybercrime to now be the No. 1 threat today instead of terrorism. In 2014, over 600 million instances of data theft were reported, and small businesses made up over 40% of all cybercrime targets!…

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Save Your Money and Work From Home: Why Accounting Firms Need to Look at Cloud Computing

May 18 is Accounting Day 2015, an event for financial professionals all across the world to share their secrets and help each other succeed. Are you ready to find out how to improve your business, save your money, and better…

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Using a default password on your PoS system? You’ve opened the door for the hackers!

HomeThink that admin password on your Point of Sale (PoS) system is unique? Think again. Cybersecurity consultants are reporting that one of the biggest PoS manufacturers in the world has been using the same admin username and password on all…

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Accounting Firms Can Benefit from Cloud Computing

HomeTo celebrate Accounting Day, here is a look at how moving to cloud-based computing could benefit your firm. May 18 Is Accounting Day.  Are Your IT Systems In Order? There is a good reason why cloud computing is on the…

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Industries, Devices and Protection: Stats & Facts From the 2015 Data Breach Report

HomeWe know it gets scary when you’re dealing with technology these days – data breaches and online security concerns have become the norm.   But paying attention to trends will give you a good idea of how to stay protected.…

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Looking To Gain Market Share? 4 Mobile Strategies for Startups

HomeMobile business strategies are relatively new, but most business leaders agree that they’re a necessary and vital part of marketing. Customers and clients are increasingly relying on smartphones and other mobile devices for purchases. So where does that leave you?…

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The 9 Best Websites for Stock Video

HomeVideos are among the best ways to reach audiences with content and new information – as long as you can hold their attention you can get your point across. Stock videos are a relatively cheap way to add to or…

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The Top 5 Security Threats You Need to Pay Attention to in 2015

HomeAre you feeling lost when it comes to protecting yourself against new emerging threats? 2014 was stained by high-profile data breaches, ending with the bizarre and damaging hack of Sony Pictures. You know your business needs to protect itself, but…

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