
Russian-Speaking Hackers Breach 97 Websites… Will Yours Be Next?

HomeFrom July 4th until about a week ago, Russian-speaking hackers have breached 97 websites, stealing login credentials, lists of unencrypted passwords, and a list of websites and their software vulnerabilities. A majority of the websites have been niche dating sites…

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Your Router is an Easy Entryway for Hackers

HomeOn Tuesday, CERT Coordination Center issued an alert at Carnegie Mellon University. According to the alert, several DSL routers (from different manufacturers) come with a “guessable” hard-coded password that allows the router to be accessed with a hidden administrator account. “All of…

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Why Are We Excited About October Being Just Over A Month Away

HomeDon’t Fall Behind on the Latest Devices – October Brings All New Microsoft Products You’ll Love!   Whispers of new Microsoft devices launching have been going on for quite some time, and now it’s looking more and more like the…

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Is Your Name On The Ashley Madison List?

HomeAshley Madison Has Been Hacked…Exposing Thousands Of People If you’ve seen the news in the past few days, you’ve likely heard of one of the largest, most embarrassingly damaging hacks in 2015: Ashley Madison, a website that helps facilitate cheating…

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Upgrade Smoothly to Windows 10 Today

HomeMicrosoft Windows 10 is the latest exciting offering to businesses everywhere. This new operating system comes with a bevy of features to help your company become more productive, but as with any upgrade or change to your system, the task…

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Microsoft Releases Emergency Patch for Critical Security Flaw Found in Internet Explorer!

HomeRunning A Version of Internet Explorer Between IE7 – IE11? You’re at Risk for Malware Infection! If you’re running a supported version of Internet Explorer – from IE7 to IE11, you’re at risk for malware infection through a serious vulnerability,…

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Mapping A Network Drive In Microsoft Office 365

HomeHere’s How to Make the Most of Office 365 by Mapping a Network Drive to a Shared Folder By configuring a network drive to a shared document folder in Office 365, you can set up better access to a drive…

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5 Steps to Better Secure Your Network

HomeWe all know that there are viruses out there, but just how expansive is the threat landscape, exactly? Well, according to Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report, 317 million new pieces of malware were created in 2014, and that total…

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Ransomware Coming Disguised as a Windows 10 Update

HomeIt’s common knowledge that cybercriminals work quickly; they pay close attention to the IT world and hunt for vulnerabilities to prey on, or new software to use as a disguise for their attacks. With the release of Microsoft’s Windows 10…

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Who Can I Call When My Server Crashes?

HomeWe don’t have to tell you that it’s bad news when your server crashes – your business halts to a stop, losing productivity and wages, and upsetting clients. There’s nothing more damaging to your operations than losing access to your…

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